Saturday, June 18, 2011

planting in the garden

Hi and happy day to you
It is such a beautiful and sunny day today. I feel so grateful for nature and creation all around me.
It is winter here and a time to plant and put things in plan to grow and nurture.
We have a good size veggie and herb garden and today I decided to go and buy 10 more vegetables and herbs to grow.
 It felt so good to get my hands in the soil and to loveingly plant, water and then delight in watching them grow. It is really a metaphor for life. Plants wont grow any faster just because we want them to. As things do not happen at a faster pace just because we want them to.
We must water, nurture and take care of our seed and plants and when they are ready they just are!
So any time you feel like you need to ground yourself and feel more connected to the earth, put your hands in the soil and plant something or just pull weeds.
Always more weeds to pull out, just like the negative thoughts that pop up; we can choose to give them power or to plant a new thought.

Affirmation: I am grateful and know that all is unfolding in my life at the perfect time and way.
It is all good. I am planting the seeds for positive change and they are growing in a most miraculous way!

Peace and blessings, Laurie
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