Monday, January 31, 2011

The power of Prayer

Hi and welcome to my latest blog...
I have been so blessed to have found the Spiritual teachings of Ernest Holmes and to utilize and teach them as well. I became a Science of Mind Minister and Spiritual Teacher many years ago. This spiritual practice is all about our Divine Connection with ourselves and God or whatever you choose to call source energy. It is about ONENESS and that we are all connected to that one power and presence that is every where in and through everything. There is no separation. It is all about changing our thinking and thoughts and by doing so we change our life for the better.
We are all one with that Creative Energy and our life is ruled by what we think and our belief systems.
One of the powerful tools that is a foundation of these teachings is called Spiritual Mind Treatment also known as Affirmative Prayer.
It is a 5 step process that has truly transformed my life. It is a daily practice for shifting our mind and coming into alignment with our Divine Nature and God...

The first step is Recognition. This is where we recognize that there is a Universal Intelligence, higher power, God everywhere, in and through everything. There is no place that God/Spirit is not....

The next step is Unification. This is where we unify ourselves with this power. I am one with the Divine Presence of Spirit. It is my true nature, my source and supply. These first 2 steps are very deep and can be used to take you deeper into meditation

The third step is Realization. This is more active and an affirmation in the present time and you are calling forth what you want to create or bring into your life. For example: I may say " I now call forth peace, joy and abundant flow into my life and claim that the perfect creative opportunity is now opening up in my life at the right time and for my highest good"

The fourth step is Gratitude and Thanksgiving. We create more good with a grateful heart. This stage allows you to express and feel gratitude for your life and for all that is manifesting for you at the perfect time and the perfect way. We give thanks in advance, knowing that all is good right now.

The last step is Release. This is where we let it go and know it is done in Spirit!!!
We finish it off with: AND SO IT IS, AND SO I LET IT BE....AMEN

 I will do a short treatment to give you an idea how it flows. You can use this or make up your own treatment on our website:
Feel free to ask for prayer as well....

I speak this word and recognize Divine Spirit/ GOD everywhere, in and through everything. This power and presence is love, peace, beauty and grace.

I am one with Spirit and know it is my source and supply. I one with the Grace and love of God and radiate this peace and presence in and through every part of my being.

I claim and know that Divine right action and abundant flow is happening in all areas of my life. Health and Wholeness is my Divine Nature and anything blocking or hindering this flow is now released. I call forth peace, love, light and joy as my life right now. Radiant health flows thorogh my body and is expressed in every part of my being. All is well.

I am so grateful and thankful for this prayer and know all is good, no matter what is showing up. I know the perfect unfolding is always taking place and I receive all is need always.

I release this treatment knowing the highest and best is happening right now. All is in perfect timing and order.

And so it is, Amen

Would love to hear your comments and what you would like prayer for....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tips for greater intimacy with yourself and others

Hi and welcome to my latest blog
I will be sharing tips and tools that have helped to change and improve my life and that I have taught to others
Please pass this blog page on to others

I have been married for almost 7 years and did not meet my husband till I was in my late 40s. I think sometimes the older we get the more challenging it can be sometimes to change old habits; especially around intimacy. My husband Stan and I consciously work alot on how to keep improving our intimacy. Whether you are in a relationship or not, it is important to start with feeling comfortable about your own body and spending time loving, accepting and nurturing your self  in whatever way you choose.
What is intimacy anyways? I did a course years ago and they defined intimacy as "INTO ME YOU SEE"
It is about being REAL and authentic and being truly present with you and another.

3 keys to building intimacy: All of these keys have helped Stan and I in our relationships and we continue to work on them individually and together.

Truthful and Honest Communicaitons -
I have written before how difficult it can be sometimes to speak our truth. This is a very important thing to practice if you want to have greater intimacy and improved relationships with others.
Communication breakdown creates really can affect our intimacy in any relationship. People cannot generally read our minds. We need to share what we are feeling and ask for what we need. Practice not taking what someone else says to you personally. Listen and really hear what your partner is communicating with out interupting them. So often we just need to be heard and then we can open up more. 

2. Intimacy with Self - We cannot be intimate with others until we are more loving, accepting and nurturing with ourselves. We tend to be very critical and  judge ourselves so much. The more we do this the more we push intimacy away. Start today to become more aware of how often you criticize yourself and make yourself wrong or apologize for being you. I like to ask the question "Is thinking or doing this action loving me"? and then if it is not, I consciously chose to do something that is.

3. Do Not Settle for Anyting Less Than What You Deserve And Want
This one is a big one. How many times have you settled in your life? This can be in every area of life.
I certainly have settled for things that I knew where not what I wanted but I did not feel deserving of better.
I want to say to you that YOU ARE DESERVING!!!!
You just need to believe and know this. Once you do things will change and you will not settle any longer in relationships, friendships or any other area.
What limits have you put on yourself?Start today to give yourself permission to take the limits off of you, so you can create more good in your life. Be aware of not bringing the past into your present, so that each moment is a new start.

4. Bless yourself daily and if you are in relationship bless your partner too.
Be grateful for your body, sexuality and life on a daily basis. Start with baby steps if this feels too hard.
Treat yourself as you would like your partner to treat you and know you deserve to be loved and cherished.

I would love to hear your questions and comments so I can add more that people want to read and learn about.
Much love and blessings to you, Laurie
See us on facebook under laurie levine & Positive Living Spiritual Centre

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kundalini yoga update

I put down the wrong website for more info. on Kundalini Yoga
To find out more go to:
More to come...
Blessings, Laurie

Friday, January 21, 2011

Yoga - Union with our Divine Self

Welcome to my latest Blog.
I wanted to talk about something quite close to my heart...this is yoga. Actually Kundalini Yoga to be exact.
I have been practicing  Kundalini yoga since the 80's and teaching it now for 3 years. What a privaledge it is to practice and teach this yoga...It is truly a Soul yoga. It connects you back to your Divine Soul.
We tend to think of yoga as something only certain people can do. That you have to have rubber legs to get in some of the postures.
What I have love about Kundalini Yoga is that it feeds my body, mind and soul. It combines the breath, chanting, postures, meditation and relaxation all together. It was brought to the West in the 60's by Yogi Bhajan. It helps you get in touch with your Truth. We have a mantra we say which is SAT NAM. It means Truth is my identity. With every breath in we silently chant SAT and with every exhale we silently chant NAM. This helps our mind to focus on our truth.
It is a nice meditation to practice to calm the mind and being.
Try it for your self.
Close your eyes and focus on your third eye point (your intuitive center and pituitary gland) and take some deep full breaths, breathing into your belly, then move the breath up to your diaphram and then up to your collarbone. With the inhale silently chant Sat and then breath out fully silently chanting Nam. Try this for 3-5 minutes to start and build the time up. This is a simple but powerful meditation.  When we focus on our third eye we get in touch with our intuition as well as strenghtening our pituitary gland or master gland.

Please share with me your experience....I look forward to hearing from you
Please ask any questions you may have....

I will share more with you next time. For info on Kundalini yoga check out my website: and

"May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you and the pure light within you, guide your way on" Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam
Many blessings, Laurie

Monday, January 17, 2011

Speaking your truth

Hi and welcome to my blog
I wanted to talk today about how important and vital to our health and wellbeing that we express what we are feeling. I like to call it speaking our truth.
This sounds so simple, but for so many of us is very challenging. Are we afraid of people's reactions, that they may be upset or not like us if we speak up????
If we are ok and clear in our communication, usually others will be as is all energy is it not?
In order to empower ourself and others as well as to say healthy, we must begin to say what we need to an express ourselves more.
What I have found is that we tend to get so anxious and worked up about speaking our truth but when we finally do it turns out ok and we feel so much ligther.
I had an experience with this just the other day. I decided to not resign my lease but go month to month. I found myself feeling anxious about speaking to my landlord about this and asking for what I needed.
When I finally did talk to him and let him know what was going on and how I was feeling he was fantastic. He was very understanding and just wanted to help me. What a weight was lifted off of my shoulders and mind after speaking to him.

Who do you need to speak your truth with?

If it feels too scary at first you can start by practicing going over what you want to say  in your mind or write it on paper, or even practice it out loud in front of a mirror.

It usually turns out much better than we think it will. Have a litle trust and faith. If you come from your own experience and not make it about the other person or blame them; you will have a much better outcome.

Surround yourself with love and light and surround the other person with love and light as well.

Let me know how it goes for you.

It is always helpful to say an affirmation daily to make it a bit easie for yourself - Try
It is easy and safe for me to speak my truth or I confidently speak my truth with ease and grace
You can make up your own affirmation as well.
Remember to see and know the highest and best outcome for you and the other person always.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Peace and blessings, laurie
visit our facebook page under laurie levine and positive living spiritual centre

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good Grief - It is ok to grieve

Hi and Blessings to you
I wanted to write a blog today about grief. In our society we are taught to get over things that happen and not to cry. In my healing work and workshops with people over the years, I have found that the main emotion held in people's cells was grief and loss. We sometimes can express anger much more easily than we can grief. I am writing a book on this at present because I feel it is such an important subject and have written about it in both my books, Blessings of Gratitude and Spiritual Medicine.
If you think about it there is so much we grieve in our lifetime. We do not just grieve when someone we love dies we grieve for so much more we never acknowledge. Some examples are when we are fired from our jobs, or move from a home we have lived in for many years, getting divorced or separated or a friend moves away and we loose contact. We need to grieve for the many changes that happen in our life especially when we get older or get sick or have a part of our body surgically removed or have an accident. I had my thyroid removed many years ago and needed to cry and grieve the loss of such an important gland as well as now having to be dependent on medication the rest of my life.
Grief takes on many appearances and can be layered by other emotions such as anger, fear, numbness and resentment.  Some people go within to grieve and withdraw. It is important to acknowledge your grief and loss in whatever way works for you and please do cry when you need to. If we hold grief inside; the body has to deal with that and we in turn can get sick. In Chinese Medicine the lungs are associated with the emotion of grief and loss. So if you get alot of respiratory problems you may want to ask yourself if there is some grieve or loss you have not expressed or acknowledged.
I remember years ago being in Russia and working on a woman there. During the healing session I felt her tears and I began to cry. I knew I was feeling her grief, that it was not my tears. I told her so and got her to get in touch with the grief inside and she started to cry very deeply. When she was finished grieving and crying, she looked years younger and felt so much lighter. She released emotional pain from years of hardship and bad things that had happened in her life.

A blessing from my book, Blessings of Gratitude:
"I bless and am grateful for all the feelings I am experiencing as they are a reminder of my loving heart and how much I care. I know that as I express and release my feelings of grief over my losses, I open myself up to greater love and compassion for myself and others. I let myself receive love and support from people that care about me. I am blessed and know that all is unfolding in divine order and I am spiritually held and loved always".

I would love to hear your stories about grief and loss and ways you have expressed your grief.

Until the next blog
Much love and light, Laurie
Check out my facebook page under laurie levine and positive living spiritual centre

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Keeping your energy clear

Blessings to you today
I wanted to talk about how important it is to keep our energy clean and clear. What I mean by this is that for many of us especially those sensitive to other people's energy and to energy in general we can become like sponges and soak up the energy around us. That is great when we are around joy and light, it is a bit different when we are around anger or negativity.
I have a great story to share about this. When I first studied massage; this goes back 25 years ago, I went to a friends house to give her my first massage. When she came to the door she was crying and had just had an argument with her husband. I was feeling good and excited to give her a massage.
I could feel as I was working on her that I was feeling heavier by the minute.
When I finished the massage she was feeling great and I was feeling quite the opposite. I had not protected my own energy and took on hers. It took me some time to clear her energy and come back to me.
I have been teaching others about this for over 20 years now...


Have you ever felt good and then went to see a friend that may have been feeling upset or angry and then you went away feeling abit low energy?

What you can do:
I have a wonderful mantra that I use daily:

Some people like to imagine a white light or colored light around there energy field for protection. While others imagine they have a forcefield around them.

Use whatever works for you. The first step is to be more aware and conscious about your own energy levels. If you are feeling good one minute and then it changes rather quickly; ask yourself "have I taken on energy that is not mine"?

I have also found that taking a bath or a shower with sea salt or a swim in the ocean really helps to clean our energy fields....give this a go as well.
I would love to hear your stories on how you have been affected by energy and what you do to keep your energy clear.
More, next blog
Many blessings, Laurie

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gratitude, One of the most powerful Spiritual tools

Hi and Namaste
I wanted to talk about a powerful spiritual tool that can shift you from fear and negativity to feeling much more peace inside in just moments.
When we take a moment to think about all we are grateful for it takes us out of our mind and into our heart and spirit. Yes, gratitude can help to do this. It is important to spend a few minutes every day feeling and thinking about what you are grateful for in this moment....
If you are going through a difficult time in your life, I would love to encourage you to stop right now and think about the people that love you and what you have in this moment to be thankful for.
When I was going through my experience with thyroid cancer it really took me to a deeper place of gratitude for my life and all the wonderful people that were there for me. I felt so grateful for my inner strength and for all the blessings that came out of this experience.
One of the blessings was; it allowed me to stop and take stock of my life and change some things that were not supporting me and do somethings differently, like taking better care of ME.

What are you grateful for in this moment?
Who are you grateful for?

When you are going through a challenging time, remember to be grateful and ask what is the blessing from this experience?
Sometimes we do not understand the blessing right away, but it will come

I would love to hear from you and find out what you are grateful for.
My teacher, Michael Beckwith once said, " We cannot create new things in our life until we are grateful for what we have right now"
This statement has changed my life. I hope it helps you too!
Until the next blog
Peace and blessings, Laurie
Founder of Positive Living Spiritual Centre - check out our facebook page

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Guided Visualization for letting go of the past

This is my second blog entry.
My intention and vision for my blog page is to share with you the many
tools and techniques for healing on every level that I have been teaching from my book, Spiritual Medicine.
I see this as an opportunity for me to share with you and for you to ASK me any questions you may have.
As a spiritual healer I believe that the answers are within us and not outside of us. The more we learn to turn within and build a relationship from the inside out the easier it is to build that inner connection and in turn have better health and wellbeing.
This guided meditation or visualization will help you to release any negative thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you. It gives you a place to put that negative self talk, fear and burdens from the past that we still carry around with us.
First step. Make sure you are comfortable and wont be interupted. You can put this on a tape or cd as well to listen to it.
Begin to breathe fully and deeply and close your eyes
Take your self in my mind and imagination to a beautiful place in nature that you love; like the beach or mountains. Visualize your self there. See the beauty all around you. Feel the sun on your skin, smell the smells of nature, hear the sounds....
Feel your feet grounded in mother earth, feel that you are fully supported and loved
Visualize a fire, like a camp fire or bonfire. This is a fire of purification and transmutes energy.

Give yourself permission to put into the fire any fears, doubts, burdens, worries that you want to let go of
Imagine you are releasing this energy from the whole of you - body, mind, emotional body and spirit.
Do it in whatever way is powerful for you. You can consciously say "I now release ____________and free myself.
Keep letting go of whatever you are ready to release and then stop and notice how you feel. You will feel lighter, as if a heavy burden has been lifted. Sometimes we need to let go of other people's energy that we are carrying.
Take a moment and think about what good things you want to bring into your life and breathe them in....

Let me know how you found this exercise and any questions you may have
Peace and blessings, Laurie

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Do you want to find out how to make a new start this new year!

Welcome to my blog. Some people know me through my books, Spiritual Medicine and Blessings of Gratiude, the Positive Living Spiritual centre in Sydney and my website,
I have been a holistic and spiritual healer all my life and professionally for 25 years. My main work has been in helping people get in touch with and releasing emotional blockages from the past. I am also a kundalini yoga teacher. I have written for many magazines and newspapers and had my own column for years.

Do you find yourself every new year setting goals that you never seem to fulfill?
Would you like more support in achieving the things you want this year, such as greater health, wholeness, feeling more connected spiritually, happier relationship with yourself and others?
I am here to listen, give suggestions and support  you in any way I can.

Please let me know any questions you may have
What is one thing you would like to change health wise this year?