Saturday, July 30, 2011

Journey of life

I have been thinking today about the journey of life. I spent a good many years about 15-20 being in the public eye. I did countless interviews on TV, radio, spoke in front of all size audiences and traveled to many countries teaching and speaking. I had my own radio show in Sydney and my own cable TV show in California. I appeared on major tv shows in Australia, Canada and the US.
I wrote 2 books, Spiritual Medicine and Blessings of Gratitude and did countless book signings and interviews.
I loved it. It was exciting. It felt good to share information and to help others in a bigger way.
Then one day I woke up and found life had changed. I was exhausted and my body needed a rest. Instead of being out there so much, I needed to come back inside and heal.
I had been on my own for so many years during all of this time and then at 47 I met my soul mate and married him. I look back now over the past 7 years and just after we met, I fell apart literally. I got cancer and my emotional state was so up and down. I had trouble coping with any kind of change. I still ran my Spiritual Centre each week. Not sure how I did that, I had Divine Helpers.

Thank you GOD and thank you to my beautiful husband who was there sometimes to pick up the pieces.

I am so grateful for this journey and for the love and support that is always around me.

I am grateful for the gift of coming back to me. I am grateful to GOD for my life.

I am now ready to step out again and be used by Spirit in whatever way I am meant to now.


I say YES to life and YES to being of service to myself and to others.

Peace and blessings, Laurie

Friday, July 29, 2011

5 steps to let go and flow

Think about what stops the flow in your life?

Here are my 5 steps to let go and flow. When we allow the energy to flow in our lives; we feel good!  
Practice these regularly to feel more alive, healthy and joyful! Pass them on to others.
These come from my book, Spiritual Medicine.
Peace and blessings, Laurie

DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY. Take time each day to do something you enjoy that makes you happy. Maybe it is to paint or garden or read a book. Only you know what feeds your soul and makes you feel good! The only restriction on time is the one we place in our minds. Give yourself this gift and see the difference it makes.

# 2
MOVE YOUR BODY. Make sure you do some kind of movement every day. It can be walking, yoga, stretching, swimming, dancing etc. Our body
needs to move and stretch. Have fun with it. Exercise with someone or whatever works for you. If you’re sitting watching television, do some stretching or some kind of movement while sitting on the couch.

# 3
BREATHE DEEPLY. Take several deep breaths many times a day. Become more aware of how you breathe and getting more life force energy into your being. Breathe into your belly, move the breath up to your diaphragm, then up to your collarbone and breathe out fully. Breathe in peace, breathe out stress. Breathe in good health and breathe out negativity. Breathe in love and breathe out fear.

# 4
TAKE TIME TO BE. Take time every day to be still and turn within. Come back to you. We are so busy and always doing that our adrenal glands gets very depleted and we can get sick. Make time for you to stop and be still. Go into nature or find a special place to sit for a few minutes every day. Close your eyes and connect back to your self and breathe. Fill your self up with light and love. Send loving energy to every cell in your body. Thank your body for all it does for you. Send loving thoughts and prayers out to all those you love and to the planet.

# 5
EXPRESS HOW YOU ARE FEELING AND GET IT OUT. It is so important to acknowledge how we are feeling and get the emotional energy to move out of the body - especially grief and sadness. It is ok to cry and to be vulnerable. If you are feeling angry or frustrated and cant speak about it, write it out, or exercise it out. Find someone to first acknowledge how you are feeling and then release it. Do not give it any power. We give our emotions a lot of power; especially FEAR and it can sometimes control our life and affect our health and our Spirit.
Be grateful each day for your each part of your body and for all you have in your life.

twitter: laurie__levine

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

5 steps to health and wellness

Here are my 5 steps to health and wellness: Practice daily to feel more alive and energized. They are not in any particular order. Just important to do on a regular basis!

Step 1
CHANGE YOUR THINKING. Become aware of your thoughts and instead of focusing on the negative stuff and the things that are not working, focus on the positive. Focus on good health and energy flowing. Make sure you laugh and smile every day. Lighten up. Don't take things so personally. Be kind to you! Stop being so hard on yourself. Each day ask yourself: How can I be more loving to me today?

Step 2
MOVE YOUR BODY. Make sure you do some kind of movement every day. It can be walking, yoga, stretching, swimming, dancing etc. Our body's need to move and stretch. Have fun with it. Exercise with someone or whatever works for you. If your sitting watching television, do some stretching or some kind of movement while sitting on the couch.

Step 3
BREATHE. Take several deep breaths many times a day. Become more aware of how you breath and getting more life force energy into your being. Breathe into your belly, move the breathe up to your diaphram, then up to your collarbone and breathe out fully. Breathe in peace, breathe out stress. Breathe in good health and breathe out negativity. Breathe in love and breathe out fear.

Step 4
MEDITATE DAILY. Take time every day to be still and turn within. Come back to you. We are so busy and always doing that our adrenal glands get very depleted. Make time for you to stop and be still. Go into nature or find a special place to sit for a few minutes every day. Close your eyes and connect back to your self  and breathe. Fill your self up with light and love. Send loving energy to every cell in your body. Thank your body for all it does for you. Send loving thoughts and prayers out to all those you love and to the planet.

Step 5
EXPRESS HOW YOU ARE FEELING AND GET IT OUT. It is so important for our health and wellbeing to acknowledge how we are feeling and get the emotional energy to move out of the body - especially grief and sadness. It is ok to cry and to be vulnerable. If you are feeling angry or frustrated and cant speak about it, write it out, or exercise it out. Find someone to first acknowledge how you are feeling and then release it. Do not give it any power. We give our emotions alot of power especially FEAR and it can sometimes control our life and affect our health and our Spirit.
Be grateful each day for your each part of your body and for all you have in your life.

Peace and blessings, Laurie

Friday, July 22, 2011


Hi and blessings
It struck me today about how powerful and negative that emotion of disappointment can be if we hold onto it. I know I have felt disappointed so many times in my life. Like any emotion it is good to acknowledge it and then let it go. What we tend to do as humans is to hold onto it for years sometimes and it festures inside of us. This can only cause illness and lack of energy.
I was talking to my husband, Stan this morning and realized I have been disappointed about hm not being a part of our spiritual centre and not wanting to come along to our gatherings. I became so aware of the choice to hold onto the disappointment or just let it go and come back to a loving heart. 

The question to keep asking is where do we want to put our energies and vibration?

What happens inside of us when we hold onto disappointment?

Whatever we focus on we create more of the same.
Good one to think about.
What disappointments are you holding onto from the past?
Give yourself permission to let them go today and be open your heart and being to more love and light.

The affirmation for today is: I release the energy of disappointment and I open myself up to be free, happy, loving and know my life is flowing in a Divine Way always!
And So It is
Peace and blessings, Laurie

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

sharing about fear

It is good to have this page to write my thoughts and what I want to share with you.
I always believe that as I share personal and private thoughts I open up the space for others to do the same.
It is interesting to me to watch when fears come up and to see it as a chance to go within and see what I need to do for me.
I have been experiencing some breast tenderness and was not sure if I had felt a lump or just breast tissue. My intuition was guiding me to have an ultrasound and get it checked out. I did this yesterday and they found a small cyst on my left breast. This was not the side I was concerned about. I realized that my attention was being called to my left side - my feminine side and to nurturing myself more and taking better care of me.
Since yesterday I have been watching the fear thoughts come up in my mind about needing to drain it to make sure it is a cyst and to keep practicing breathing deeply and releasing the fear.
I am a firm believer on checking things out and also holding that high knowing of health and wholeness at the same time. This is the life and work of a Spiritual practitioner and Minister.
I am grateful to know that healing is always taking place and that I am and we are each in charge of our own minds and thinking.
My affirmation for today is: I am healed, whole, healthy and grateful for the opportunitys to keep releasing fear and to change the thoughts in my mind to ones that support my highest good. Thank you Spirit for my life.
And So It Is.

Peace and blessings, Laurie

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Love the Skin your in

It is amazing how much of the advertising we see and the messages we hear are about looking a certain way. We look at models and actresses and believe that is the way "we are suppose to look", and if we do not look like that then something is wrong or we will not be accepted.
Something is wrong with our society to give out such messages that foster pain and low self-esteem. I have seen so many people unhappy within themselves because their body did not look a certain way and all they wanted was to be was someone else. What a sad waste of precious life that is…Even if they did get their body to look like that it did not make them feel any happier or fulfilled inside. This is because they were not being who they are and that is really all we have.
When I was younger, I wanted my body to look different. The boys all seemed to be interested in my friends and never seemed to notice me. I was flat chested and this made me feel quite different and I started to see myself as unattractive. I remember an experience at camp when I was 11 years old. I had very short hair and had not started to develop yet. I walked into the girl's bathroom and the counselor there said, "I am sorry dear, but the boys bathroom is next store". I was so upset and they tried to make up for this by putting bows in my hair. Needless to say I was humiliated and carried this with me for about 20 years until I began to do a lot of inner healing and belief changing work around seeing my body and myself in a positive and loving way.
We are never too old to make positive changes and feel better about ourselves.
Our self-esteem and self-image is really our foundation for a happy and successful life.
No one can change our beliefs and the way we see ourselves, except for us. If we are unhappy, it is vitally important to address our beliefs, re-educate and look at positive ways to change and lift our own self- esteem and self- image. The truth is that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and Spirit. This is one of the main messages that I have learned from my lessons as a Metaphysical Minister.
If we want things to change, we must start to see ourselves with new glasses and treat ourselves as we would treat a best friend.
It is important to become more aware of the negative and hurtful thoughts that do not support us and to replace them with positive and supportive thoughts, even if we do not believe them at first. This is the way we can begin to change old patterns and to begin to love ourselves more.
It is easier to make positive changes when we are surrounded by positive and supported friends and colleagues that we can talk to and feel safe to be ourselves with. I know that being with loving and supportive people really helped me to lift my self confidence and I began to like myself more and to accept compliments from others.
Each time you look in the mirror, begin to see yourself as beautiful, whole and ok just the way you are. When any other thoughts come up in your mind, release them right away and affirm the positive. Remember that it takes lots of practice, patience and love to change old patterns and our self- image. It can be done and you can do it.
 Peace and Blessings, Laurie           

Monday, July 11, 2011

self worth

Divine Blessings to you,
The thought that popped into my mind while making a cup of tea this morning is:
No one determines our self worth except each of us.
This is powerful and empowering as we are the masters of our own minds and we are in charge of our lives not someone else.
No matter how old we are, we have the power to heal, make peace and release the past and change the limiting beliefs and start to see ourselves with new eyes. This is very exciting.
I remember doing a book signing with my book Spiritual Medicine many years back and was talking about self love.
When I finished a women in her 70's started to share with us that at 60 years old she started meditating and doing yoga and every day she looks in the mirror and tells her self "I love you". She then told us that she has a boyfriend as well.
So it is never too old to feel good about who we are and to love and accept ourselves just the way we are.
All it takes is willingness, patience and practice!!!!

Affirmation: Today I am grateful for who I am and celebrate ME!
And so it is!
Peace and blessings, Laurie

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Living in Faith

Living in Faith More than ever we need to have faith in something greater than what we can see with our own two eyes. If is so easy to get caught up in the pain and fear of what is going on in the world and not be able to see the bigger picture.
Faith is built upon belief, love, acceptance and trust. Faith is the strongest belief that we can have and it is the energy and vibration that connects and brings us into oneness with ourselves, others and spirit. Faith can feel like it comes and goes at times in our life. The truth is that it is never really gone, it only needs to be rekindled with love, trust, patience, positive thought, prayer and meditation.

Think about the times in your life when you felt a strong faith, a strong knowing and trust in yourself, your life, your spiritual beliefs and your future. It is important to remember that it is always present, even when we cannot feel it. You can always tap into it by being still and calling forth that deep spiritual connection that is always present.

What do we experience when we are not in touch with our faith? Those have been the times for me when I felt the most fearful, alone, depressed and disconnected from myself and from God. Fear can really feel all consuming and at times like we are paralyzed. It is important to remember that fear is only a thought in our minds and it is said to be
"False Evidence Appearing Real".

 Dr. Ernest Holmes says in the Science of Mind, "We become conscious of darkness only when we are with out FAITH. For faith is ever the light of our day and the light on our way, making that way clearly visible to us, even when to all others it may be beset with obstacles and the ongoing rough".

To have faith takes an  awareness and a deep trust to keep us in touch with our higher self- connection and to keep growing spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Having faith helps us to get though rough times, changes and to flow with life much easier.
When ever I feel lost or uncertain of what is ahead, I remember this quote from my book,
Spiritual Medicine:
"When you have come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing two things will happen. You will find something solid to stand on and you will learn how to fly"                     Author unknown

    Take time every day to be still and to just be with yourself without having to "DO" anything. In this stillness we can get more in touch with our authentic self and our faith. The more we can create peace inside the more we can help others to do the same. Be the presence you want to see in the world and so it is.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Laurie's tips to help reduce stress, adrenal exhaustion and enhance wellbeing

Hi and blessings
The following stress release and wellness tips are from my book, 'Spiritual Medicine'.
These steps have helped me and others to change our stress habits and avoid adrenal exhaustion and help you if you are going through any type of imbalance to enhance health and wellness:

#1 Practice breathing more deeply, your breath is your life force. Breathing is one of the most unconscious patterns we have and in order to improve our breathing patterns we need to be more aware of them first. Many people I have found breathe very shallow. This puts a lot more stress on the physical body, adrenals and can create more tension, tightness and pain in our body. Begin now to become more aware of how you breathe and especially how you breathe when you are under pressure or concentrating on something. Breathe fully into your belly and then bring your breathe up into your chest; as if you are blowing up 2 balloons. Hold your breath in for a count of 2 and then breathe it out fully. You can imagine breathing in all the good things and breathing out the stress. Continue several times and do as often during the day as you can. You may need to write notes to yourself to be a reminder to breathe.

#2 Laurie's Acu-tapping your stress away technique
Lauries Acu-tapping will help you to release stress, tension, feel more alive and keep your energy moving. You will feel more alert and energised. It is quick, easy to do, and stimulates the organs and blood flow allowing the digestive and lymphatic system, organs and glands to work more effectively. Acu-tapping is great to do at any time, especially first thing in the morning, or in the shower, where it will really wake you up. If you are feelings tired during the day, or after work, spend approximately five minutes doing a full body energy tap to help you re-energize and let go of the pressures of the day. As you do the tapping, send healing energy into your body and remember to breathe fully as you do this exercise. Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, try acu-tapping.
How to do Acu-tapping
Get in a standing position (works better than sitting).
Use your finger tips (the fleshy parts, not the nails).
Imagine sending loving, healing energy and light to your body as you tap. Notice which spots are sore or tight and breathe more deeply into those areas.
Begin to tap down one arm (front and back).
Move to the other arm and do the hands.
Move up and tap across the chest and diaphragm.
Move down and tap all across the belly.
Move down and tap the pelvis, hips and buttocks.
Move down the legs tapping both sides and the feet and toes (you will need to bend or sit to support your lower back when you do this).
Move up and tap your lower back and move up the back (if you have someone with you get them to tap on either side of the spine where you cannot reach).
Move up to tap your shoulders and neck. Finish tapping your head and face.
Stand for a moment after you finish, close your eyes and notice how you are feeling. Can you feel your body tingling?

Notice how you feel: Do you feel more awake and alert? This is the blood and energy circulating through your body.
Along with Acu-tapping, do some sort of exercise for at least 15-20 minutes every day. This could be anything from walking, stretching, yoga, sport, jogging, swimming, bike riding. Make sure it is something that you enjoy and feel motivated by. Get someone to do it with you as well. This can help us to get more enjoyment out of exercise.

#3 Create  a daily Spiritual Practice. This can include going to Church, Temple, spending time in nature or whatever you can do that reconnects you with your spirit on a regular basis. Take the time to tune into your self daily. Start to build a relationship and rapport with your body by asking it on a daily basis what does it need from you and take the time to be still and listen. Bless, thank and send healing and loving energy to each part of your body on a regular basis. Take the time to meditate, pray and slow your mind down. Be grateful every day for what you have in your life.

#4 Your emotional health directly affects your physical health and wellbeing. Take care of your emotional health by recognizing and expressing how you are feeling and getting it to move. You can express your feelings in many ways such as; writing it out, speaking it out, dancing it out, exercising it out, singing it out, etc.

#5 Your mental health directly affects your physical wellbeing. Stop trying to be perfect. Make sure you spend time laughing, doing the things you enjoy and being creative. Watch your thoughts and stay conscious around your self-talk. If your thoughts are not supporting you positively, change them right away. Become more aware of self criticism and self judgment. What you focus your attention on is what you get. This helps to lessen your stress and tension levels and bring about more peace and balance in your life.
One of the things to ask your self is Am I loving myself by having this thought or taking this action? If the answer is no, then do something or say something that is loving yourself.

#6 What foods are you putting in your body? Become more aware and disciplined about the food you are eating. Spend more time making sure you feed yourself healthy, fresh, organic and nourishing food. Avoid fast food and eating on the run as much as possible. Eat and chew more slowly, so help your system digest better. Either silently or out loud (which ever you prefer), bless your food before you eat it whether it is at home or at restaurants. Keep your body hydrated

#7 Keep your home and work environment free from clutter. Spend the time making sure that your living and working environments support your health and well-being. Be more aware of the radiation and chemicals you use and have around your home. These can certainly affect our health, nervous system and can cause illness.
You are worth taking care of. Remember to be GRATEFUL everyday for what you have and for your life. Love and nurture yourself every day. We cannot take care of others unless we are taking care of ourselves first. Our health is one of the most important things we have!!!! Do not take things too seriously - lighten up more and worry less. Have an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful on a daily basis for all you have.

There is no time like the present. Make yourself a priority and take the time daily to replenish and recharge your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Do not wait until exhaustion sets in before you listen to body and take action to do something good for your self.
For more info. on my books, visit


Saturday, July 2, 2011

The body knows how to heal...

Hi and blessings
I wanted to share in this blog about some of the amazing experiences I have had doing my healing
work with others. Over the past 25 years my healing work has culminated into a powerful energy session that clears blockages and brings people back in touch with themselves again on a deep level.

I find that for whatever reason I do not always share some of the extraordinary things that have opened and happened for my clients and so I am sharing a few here now. 
These are just a few of the wonderful experiences of healing that is possible. Everything is energy and energy needs to move in order for us to be healthy and vibrant.

I saw one woman who came with a complaint of ear pain. She saw numerous doctors and took many different kinds of medications and nothing seemed to help. She came to me knowing that there was more to be uncovered. I guess I am kind of a spiritual Sherlock Holmes with the body/emotional connection. I have always been an emotional intuitive and so we began her session. I worked with the correspondant meridian points and energy points and got her in touch with some old emotional patterns that were stuck and had to do with her family. She was able to get the connection and in that moment her ear made a loud sound and instantly cleared. She was amazed and so happy that she no longer had pain.

I saw a man in his late 50's who came with the complaint of shingles. They were not going away and he had been out of work for 3 weeks and not improving. He saw Doctors but nothing was helping.
I started to work with him and through the session asked him if whether he had been feeling sad or griefing a loss of some kind. His shingles were on his chest and I felt like alot was blocked in his lung meridian which deals with grief and loss. He sat up amazed and said he had just lost a very dear friend who had died. I asked him if  he had cried and said goodbye to his friend and he said he had not. I suggested he go home and do whatever he needed to do to feel the grief and express it.
He returned a week later and the shingles were completely gone.

I love the saying from Robert Bly "The body cries the tears the eyes never shed".
This is so true and if we do not release the old emotional pain and blockages in our body, it will find
a way to do it for us.

A women came to me and was concerned that she could not loose weight. We started the session and her energy was blocked in  her belly. She started to have memories of a loss of a child and how much pain and sadness she still had in her body. She began to cry and started releasing years of grief and at the end of the session when she got up she not only felt lighter and happier within her, she also noticed that her pants were much larger after the session than they were when we started. She was amazed of how much "weight" in the way of energy was released from her body by letting the emotions move.

I am extremely grateful and blessed to be doing this type of healing work with others and am most certainly Divinely Guided always.
I hope you enjoy these stories. I have written many of them in my book,  Spiritual Medicine.
Until next time...
Peace and blessings, Laurie
Twitter: laurie__levine