Friday, September 30, 2011


I wanted to share about the importance of ritual in our lives. I have always loved rituals and making them up for myself and others. I believe when we create rituals they add more meaning and purpose to our life and to whatever we are doing. In our society today we have lost our sense of importance through our busy lives and the lack of ritual. For the indigenous people, and for many cultures; rituals are a very important part of every day life.
I became a celebrant because I love creating spiritual ceremonies and rituals that are aligned with peoples hearts and souls.
My dear friend Lisa has asked me to plan some rituals for her upcoming 40th birthday. I know what is important to her so it becomes easy to allow the ceremony and ritual to unfold and be created. I will share what I have come up with for her after her birthday...stay tuned.
You can also practice creating a ritual for your self or a loved one. Think about what is important to you. Maybe you love nature and spending time there and that feeds your body and soul. You can do your ritual out in nature and bless all the flowers, trees, plants, the earth, sky etc. and ask what message nature has for you and spend time listening and sending your energy to the earth. What blessings do you want to give back to nature?
Having candles in your home and lighting them daily before you meditate or eat a meal and feel the blessing there for you. Ask you light the candle ask for whatever you want illuminated in your life to show up. Send a blessing and prayer out to you or anyone in need of healing.
I have always enjoyed doing house blessings clearing energy rituals for people and there living and work spaces. This also clears old energy and allows new opportunities and creativity to unfold in a divine way.
I would love to hear some of the rituals you love to partake in and ideas you may have for creating rituals in your life.
Peace and blessings, Laurie

Thursday, September 22, 2011

3 steps to living a more prosperous life - part 1

"Prosperity begins with feeling good about ourselves" Louise Hay
This is so true as prosperity is a consciousness. It is a belief and feeling of things flowing in our life.
When we feel prosperous we feel abundant and joyful. Prosperity is not just about having money. It is about having more joy, love, success, health, grace, spiritual connection etc. This is what Spirit wants for us.

I was listening to a Louise Hay's dvd on prosperity and she mentioned 3 keys to having a more prosperous life. They are allowing, accepting and deserving.  In order to do this we must acknowledge and release guilt, fear, unforgiveness and build up our ability to trust and believe in ourselves and the Universe.

Step OneLooking within - What areas of your life are prosperous and which ones are not?
Start looking at your fears and beliefs around prosperity. What did you learn from your family growing up?
Write them down and look at where they have come from.
Write down all the areas of your life and explore what beliefs and thoughts are there around being abundant and prosperous. When fear thoughts come up, bless them and do not give them power. Give power to the thoughts that support and empower you.
Begin to change them by affirming what you want instead of what you do not want.
Start to affirm daily that you deserve and accept good in your life and you are open to receive!

Remember that no one determines our self worth but us!

Step two - Loving you more. Look at ways you are not loving yourself right now and start to do something more loving each day for you, like taking time to eat healthier, buying a special shampoo for your hair, reading your favorite book, listening to beautiful uplifting music, getting exercise regularly, making time for you; etc.
What self talk do you say to yourself?
How often do you criticise and judge yourself?
Make a commitment each day to do one thing at least that is loving, nurturing  and supportive to you.
How can you make yourself more of a priority?
If you are thinking thoughts or about to take an action that is not going to support the whole of you, stop and ask yourself: Is doing this action or thinking this thought; loving me? If not, do something that is.
Become more conscious of how to love you more. Bless yourself on a daily basis. Look in the mirror and see the beautiful soul looking back at you.
You are a Divine Creation of God!

Step three - Having a forgiving heart. It is hard to create a prosperity consciousness when we are holding on to past hurts and unforgiveness. Forgiveness is a daily practice and begins with self as always.
Write down or think about what you need to forgive yourself for and what you are still holding onto from the past. What are you getting by holding on to the past?
How is that affecting your prosperity and abundance now?
When we forgive ourselves and others we expand our heart and consciousness. We begin to vibrate at a higher frequency and in turn create more good in our lives.
A great meditation is to contemplate on  asking and receiving forgiveness for everything you have ever done to harm others and for anything anyone has done to harm you.

Affirm daily: I open my heart and mind to forgive myself and others for anything that may have happened in the past and move forward with Love and Acceptance. I deserve to be happy and joyful and to share that with others. I forgive myself and I dwell in love and light and the truth of Spirit. AND So It Is

Peace and blessings, Laurie

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5 important steps to weight loss

I wanted to share about a subject that is so vital to our health and wellbeing. It is something that I feel so passionate about helping empower people with. I am speaking of the epidemic of over eating and obesity.
I see all the diets that are out there and the struggles that people have with their weight. I believe that so much about eating is emotional and behavioral. We eat alot of the time to stuff down how we are feeling and we eat to feel better about ourselves. This is really a never ending battle. I know I have been there. I never had a big weight problem but I did binge eat sugars as a way to stuff down how I was feeling.

I believe that if we felt good about ourselves and had good self esteem and felt connected spiritually we would not over eat so much and we would take better care of ourselves.

Here are my 5 steps to weight loss and to feeling better about ourselves.

Step 1 - Look at your beliefs, emotions and  habits around food and how you feel about yourself.
 What did you learn about food growing up?
What emotion or emotions drive you to eat? Is it fear, guilt, shame, anger, grief?
How would you rate your self esteem 1-10.
One being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Where is your self esteem and self worth at this moment?
The more conscious we are about our habits and beliefs the easier it is to change them.

Step 2 - Forgiveness. This plays a big role in how much we hold onto the past and onto our old eating habits. We can go on all the diets in the world and if we have not forgiven ourselves and others than we tend to go right back into old eating habits and gaining weight.
Think about who you need to forgive?
What do you need to forgive yourself for?
What are you holding onto from the past?
A good starting place is to write a letter or letters to all those you need to forgive. Remember forgiveness is for you to let go and beable to move forward from a  healthier and happier place.
Write a letter to your self and list all the things you want to forgive  yourself for.

Step 3 - Clean out the clutter in your home, car, office. Throw away things you no longer wear or need. Clean out your kitchen of old food and food that is not good for you. We need to let the energy move. So many of us are hoarders and stuck in the past. This is a good place to start. Get Support.  Ask family and friends to help you do this as it can seem overwhelming.

Step 4 - Let go of emotions. Give your self permission to have  a good cry and acknowledge how you are feeling. People experience so many losses in life and don\t always get a chance to grieve them. So the emotions like food just gets stuffed down and we find we get heavier and more weighted down.
This is so vital for our health and wellbeing to cry and grieve. Think about all the losses you have experienced in your life and let yourself feel the emotions that are there.

Step 5 - Reconnect Spiritually - So often we eat and have trouble loosing weight because we feel so disconnected spiritually. If this is the case for you, take time each day to stop and reconnect  to God and Spirit and your own heart and soul in whatever way works for you. It might be to put on beautiful music, go to church, go in nature, meditate, pray, read spirit books etc.
It is so important to feed and nurture our body and soul on a daily basis.

I would love to hear from you. I am available for phone as well as in person coaching and healing sessions.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Life's wonder

Peace and blessings,
I wanted to write about the cycle of life and all its beauty.
I am back in the US visiting my family and we had a beautiful gathering a week ago where
all the family came together to eat, laugh and share. My uncle Jules who had been very ill came as well. He wanted to be with everyone. I was so grateful to see him. I remember being in the room with everyone and feeling how important it is to stay in the moment and be in the wonder and love that each second can bring.
My Uncle Jules died one week later and my heart is filled with sadness and deep gratitude. I am reminded about how precious life is and how to appreciate each moment. We never know when our time is and all we have is now.
Live life fully. Love life fully. This is how my Uncle lived his life. This is the message for all of us. Don't hold onto the past or things that do not matter. Embrace the good and the beauty that is all around us.
Affirmation: Today I choose to live life fully and to love fully. I see the beauty and wonder all around me. And So It Is!

Love and blessings, Laurie
twitter: laurie__levine