Thursday, September 22, 2011

3 steps to living a more prosperous life - part 1

"Prosperity begins with feeling good about ourselves" Louise Hay
This is so true as prosperity is a consciousness. It is a belief and feeling of things flowing in our life.
When we feel prosperous we feel abundant and joyful. Prosperity is not just about having money. It is about having more joy, love, success, health, grace, spiritual connection etc. This is what Spirit wants for us.

I was listening to a Louise Hay's dvd on prosperity and she mentioned 3 keys to having a more prosperous life. They are allowing, accepting and deserving.  In order to do this we must acknowledge and release guilt, fear, unforgiveness and build up our ability to trust and believe in ourselves and the Universe.

Step OneLooking within - What areas of your life are prosperous and which ones are not?
Start looking at your fears and beliefs around prosperity. What did you learn from your family growing up?
Write them down and look at where they have come from.
Write down all the areas of your life and explore what beliefs and thoughts are there around being abundant and prosperous. When fear thoughts come up, bless them and do not give them power. Give power to the thoughts that support and empower you.
Begin to change them by affirming what you want instead of what you do not want.
Start to affirm daily that you deserve and accept good in your life and you are open to receive!

Remember that no one determines our self worth but us!

Step two - Loving you more. Look at ways you are not loving yourself right now and start to do something more loving each day for you, like taking time to eat healthier, buying a special shampoo for your hair, reading your favorite book, listening to beautiful uplifting music, getting exercise regularly, making time for you; etc.
What self talk do you say to yourself?
How often do you criticise and judge yourself?
Make a commitment each day to do one thing at least that is loving, nurturing  and supportive to you.
How can you make yourself more of a priority?
If you are thinking thoughts or about to take an action that is not going to support the whole of you, stop and ask yourself: Is doing this action or thinking this thought; loving me? If not, do something that is.
Become more conscious of how to love you more. Bless yourself on a daily basis. Look in the mirror and see the beautiful soul looking back at you.
You are a Divine Creation of God!

Step three - Having a forgiving heart. It is hard to create a prosperity consciousness when we are holding on to past hurts and unforgiveness. Forgiveness is a daily practice and begins with self as always.
Write down or think about what you need to forgive yourself for and what you are still holding onto from the past. What are you getting by holding on to the past?
How is that affecting your prosperity and abundance now?
When we forgive ourselves and others we expand our heart and consciousness. We begin to vibrate at a higher frequency and in turn create more good in our lives.
A great meditation is to contemplate on  asking and receiving forgiveness for everything you have ever done to harm others and for anything anyone has done to harm you.

Affirm daily: I open my heart and mind to forgive myself and others for anything that may have happened in the past and move forward with Love and Acceptance. I deserve to be happy and joyful and to share that with others. I forgive myself and I dwell in love and light and the truth of Spirit. AND So It Is

Peace and blessings, Laurie

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