Saturday, April 30, 2011

communication break down

Hi and welcome to my latest blog
I want to talk about how we can have a communication break down by making up
stories about someone else with out finding out what the truth really is
An example of this is: We try to reach someone and leave messages for them and they
do not call us back or respond. We then make up a reason or story in our minds as to why they
did not respond. Maybe they were mad at us or did not like us or something happened to them.....etc.
Has that ever been your experience?
It is so important to check things out and see what has really occurred and continue to stay in the present moment...
Good communication is about making sure our message got across and checking things out to see what the truth really is...
Next time you are not sure, ASK...

I would love to hear from  you on this subject. What is your experience with communication and how do you keep it from breaking down....

Peace and blessings, Laurie
Check out my book, Spiritual Medicine for more on communication and healing tools

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hi and welcome to my latest post
I want to share with you some of what I taught yesterday in my Prosperity Workshop
I asked my students yesterday "What is Prosperity"?
They said it was a feeling of good, having flow of money, joy, love, health etc.
I also believe that prosperity is a consciousness - we need to practice feeling and thinking prosperous thoughts and to look at our hidden beliefs that block our good

One of the beliefs that I stops our flow of prosperity is thinking and saying - I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH
Think about how often you say that every day and what happens to your flow of prosperity when you do

A wonderful daily practice is to affirm: ALL MY NEEDS ARE MET and to feel grateful for what you do have each and ervery day
Feel grateful and thank for and prosperous for everything in your life...every time you eat something feel grateful and prosperous for the food and nourishment for your body.

Here is some wonderful quotes from Yoga for Prosperity book and teachings of Yogi Bhajan
"Prosperity consciousness is a state of harmony between mind, body and spirit. Despite our outer circumstances, rich or poor, when we live in a cozy manner, trusting the Universe to care for our needs, then we are truly wealthy. Prosperity is the opposite of neediness; prosperous peole know they have their needs met and the needs of those they care for are met also. Prosperity is insipiring and elevating and it touches our hearts and souls"

I would love to hear what prosperity means to you
We are each as prosperous as we believe

Peace and abundant blessings, Laurie
see our positive living spiritual centre facebook page to hear my talk from Sundays service

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Hi and Welcome to my blog today
I love this quote. It is from one of my native american medicine cards.
It is a wonderful affirmation to use daily
“The present is my point of power.
All light, all love, all energy, pass through me now creating ongoing beauty,
From death, the pause of perfect peace, I am born to dance on top of the world”

A Native American Saying is: Today is a good day to die
This is all about living each day fully
We never truly know when we will leave this  phyiscal world, so we need to make each day count
Is there something you have been wanting to do but have not done it for a variety of reasons?
Think about it
If so, do it now!
My husband Stan and I always wanted to live at the water. I had a belief that I could not live at the water because it was too expensive. Well we live on a beautiful lake. I changed my belief and we made our plans and it all unfolding perfectly
Write down all of your dreams and you can create them....What you believe comes into reality
If you think you can, YOU CAN!!!
Love and blessings, Laurie

Thursday, April 7, 2011

what is real????

Hi and welcome to my latest, it is April already
Time is flying by....
Each moment counts!!!
I want to talk about WHAT IS REAL?
 It is so interesting how in the human world we put so much
credence on what we can see. If we cant see it, then it is not happening.
We pray and ask for things we want to create and then when they do not come right away we feel like it is not happening
It is important to remember that so much is happening on a level that we cannot see, the invisible level. This is where it is REAL....
Does that sound strange?
Think about it for a moment. We cant physically see GOD or SPIRIT and that does not mean that they don't exist...Spirit is all around us and within us always whether we are awake or asleep....We are always being supported and loved!
We just have to know and believe this
I love the saying "Believe it and you will see it"
Open up to tthe possibility of seeing the invisible and being connected and tuned in to something that is REAL and PRESENT always...
You are so much more than you think and there is so much more taking place that you are always a part of
The Universe wants the best for you and LOVES YOU....
Peace and blessings, Laurie
Stay tuned to our website and facebook page for online classes and teleseminars coming up
I would love to hear from you. Let me know your thoughts on this blog