Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hi and welcome to my latest post
I want to share with you some of what I taught yesterday in my Prosperity Workshop
I asked my students yesterday "What is Prosperity"?
They said it was a feeling of good, having flow of money, joy, love, health etc.
I also believe that prosperity is a consciousness - we need to practice feeling and thinking prosperous thoughts and to look at our hidden beliefs that block our good

One of the beliefs that I stops our flow of prosperity is thinking and saying - I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH
Think about how often you say that every day and what happens to your flow of prosperity when you do

A wonderful daily practice is to affirm: ALL MY NEEDS ARE MET and to feel grateful for what you do have each and ervery day
Feel grateful and thank for and prosperous for everything in your life...every time you eat something feel grateful and prosperous for the food and nourishment for your body.

Here is some wonderful quotes from Yoga for Prosperity book and teachings of Yogi Bhajan
"Prosperity consciousness is a state of harmony between mind, body and spirit. Despite our outer circumstances, rich or poor, when we live in a cozy manner, trusting the Universe to care for our needs, then we are truly wealthy. Prosperity is the opposite of neediness; prosperous peole know they have their needs met and the needs of those they care for are met also. Prosperity is insipiring and elevating and it touches our hearts and souls"

I would love to hear what prosperity means to you
We are each as prosperous as we believe

Peace and abundant blessings, Laurie
see our positive living spiritual centre facebook page to hear my talk from Sundays service

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