Friday, November 25, 2011

All is good, All is alright

"When you want to feel good, feel grateful"

Growth comes from sitting in the uncomfortable – what does this mean to you?
How can we know that all is good and really believe it?
It is so easy to get caught up in wondering and questioning what is happening when things are not going the way we want or when nothing seems to be changing and we are doing our prayers and affirmations.
The first thing the mind wants to go to is the negative…this is not working. What am I doing wrong, fill in the blank for you. What does your mind do?______________________________________________________
We must become the masters of our mind and trust in the perfect unfoldment that is always happening. We must hold that place of faith and knowing when the ego falls short.
Ernest Holmes says in his book This thing called you:
Your faith can penetrate clouds of unbelief and reveal the Truth which is forever perfect. Imagine yourself looking at the picture of a beautiful landscape. In this picture there are trees, a house, a stream of water, a beautiful meadow and in the background, mountains and blue sky dotted with clouds. You look at it long, contemplating its beauty. Now suppose that a colored glass is placed between you and the picture that the picture appears blurred. Everything seems distorted and yet nothing has happened to the picture. It is your business to remove the colored glass. Because the picture is still there on the wall , it still may be seen.

It is so important to believe and affirm that no matter what the appearance is, there is so much more happening than we can see in the moment. Whatever we can believe, we can see and we can create.

We must all learn to surrender and to trust more deeply.  The egoic mind has a challenging time with this one….but our soul knows this truth.

James Van Praagh
As much as we may try to will things to happen, we must learn to let go and allow spirit to do its part.

Peace and blessings, Laurie

Monday, November 21, 2011

5 steps to weight loss without dieting

This is a very different type of message. It is not about any type of diet but more about
our emotions and holding onto feelings of grief, guilt, resentment and fear and how they affect our body and our weight. It is important to look deeper into the reasons behind our weight gain or being overweight.
The question to ask is What burdens am I holding onto that I need to release?
What am I worried about? Let go of worries you have no control over so they do not weigh you down.

I had a client years ago who during our session together got in touch with some deep grief about a miscarriage she had years before. She was able to cry and release the old grief that had been held within her body and being for so many years. At the end of the session when she got up, she not only felt so much better and happier  within her, she also noticed that her pants were one size bigger than they were when she lied down on my table an hour earlier. She had shed the weight she was carrying that was tied into the loss of her unborn child.
Here are some of my steps for shedding some of the extra "weight".

EXPRESS HOW YOU ARE FEELING AND GET IT OUT. It is so important to acknowledge how we are feeling and get the emotional energy to move out of the body - especially grief and sadness. It is ok to cry and to be vulnerable. If you are feeling angry or frustrated and cant speak about it, write it out, or exercise it out. Find someone to first acknowledge how you are feeling and then release it. Do not give it any power. We give our emotions a lot of power; especially FEAR and it can sometimes control our life and affect our health and our Spirit.  The more emotional blockages we have in our bodies, the more weight we can hold onto.
Be grateful each day for your each part of your body and for all you have in your life.

# 2
So often we actually eat foods that our body does not want and that we are allergic to. If you feel tired after eating something that is a good sign that your body is not getting the nourishment from that particular food. Eat in moderation and most importantly do not over eat. The amount of food we eat, can really make a difference to how we feel and what our weight is.

MOVE YOUR BODY. Make sure you do some kind of movement every day. It can be walking, yoga, stretching, swimming, dancing etc. Our bodies need to move and stretch. Have fun with it. Exercise with someone or whatever works for you. If you’re sitting watching television, do some stretching or some kind of movement while sitting on the couch.

# 3
BREATHE DEEPLY. Take several deep breaths many times a day. Become more aware of how you breathe and getting more life force energy into your being. Breathe into your belly, move the breath up to your diaphragm, then up to your collarbone and breathe out fully. Breathe in peace, breathe out stress. Breathe in good health and breathe out negativity. Breathe in love and breathe out fear.

# 4
LOVE AND ACCEPT YOUR SELF. Forgive yourself and start to make peace with you and with your past. This is one way to start building and enhancing our self esteem and self worth. Most of us hold so much hatred and judgment against ourselves. This does not allow us to love ourselves or feel light inside. Start today to make peace with yourself and do your best to start to experience your self in a new way. One step at a time. Start with talking to you in the mirror and affirming that you are a good person. Remember to be kind to you every day. Be your own best friend.

# 5
DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY. Be creative. Take time each day to do something you enjoy that makes you happy. Maybe it is to paint or garden or read a book. Get more in touch with what you enjoy. This makes us feel good inside and helps us to be lighter and more joyful.

I hope these help you to feel lighter from the inside out.
Love and blessings, Laurie


Monday, November 14, 2011

Living well through cancer

Overcoming and living well through cancer
This is such an important topic for this time. We all seem to know someone who has had cancer or have had it ourselves.
I had thyroid cancer 6 years ago and it has been an amazing journey through it all. So how do we live well through cancer?
I now what a  scary time it can be, and how helpless we can feel. I was certainly there. I want to share some positive steps to moving through this experience and what helped me so much.
It is and can be an opportunity to change old patterns and habits that do not support us, like our diets. I feel any time we get sick or get injured it is a good time to take stock of our life and see what is working and what is not. To look at how we can make positive change.
One of the most valuable blessings that can come out of having cancer is It is also a time to love ourselves more and let people love us and be there for us.
It is a opportunity to STOP and not be so busy.
Here are a few of my steps to living well through cancer:
Look for the blessings in this situation and focus on them.
Ask your body what it needs daily and begin to build a relationship from the inside out.
Eat organic and healthy and fresh foods daily.
Cut back on caffiene, sugar and heavy foods.
Laugh more
Change your PH so it is more alkaline. You can check out your ph levels by buying ph strips at the pharmacy. Drinking water with lemon can help to make your ph more alkaline.
Take time to meditate and do what you love every day. Find ways to feed your body, mind and soul.
Feel grateful for what you do have in your life; every day!!!, every moment even...
Forgive yourself and others from the past, so you can be more present now.
Let go of anger, worry, resentment and guilt NOW.
Do not sweat the small stuff.
And most importantly: Be patient and loving with yourself.

 For more on healing, contact me at:
See my book, Blessings of Gratitude and Spiritual Medicine
More in blogs to come....

Friday, November 11, 2011

Release Stress and feel happier and healthier

In this time of change and new energy on the planet it more important than ever to look after ourselves on every level on a daily basis and create new habits and patterns.

5 steps to release stress and feel healthier and happier
 1. Breathe deeply. As if your life depended on it; because it does. When we are stressed, our breathing gets more shallow. It is important every day to practice breathing deeply. Your breathing needs to become more conscious in order to change the pattern.

2. Stretch and move your body every day. Do yoga or some sort of exercise that is good for body, mind and soul. Spinal twists are good way to release tension, stress and feel healthier.
3. Acu-tapping your stress away - from my book, Spiritual Medicine. Standing up and using your finger tips to tap your whole body from head to toe. This helps open the meridians, release stress and tension, gets the energy flowing better and helps all the systems of the body.
4. Do not take things to seriously. Lighten UP. Practice each day to let go of worrying about things that are not in your control. Laugh more and sweat more as my yoga teacher always says. Let go of taking on the energy of others and the planet...Release energy that is not yours.
5. Spend time each day being still and turning within and coming back to you.
Make your body, mind and soul a priority every day. Ask for help and support when you need it.
more to come...
Blessings, Laurie

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

staying healthy

I am giving some free talks at our local library coming up in a few weeks and one is on the topic of
health and staying healthy. Staying healthy means so much more than just our body. Staying healthy takes in our mental outlook, our emotions, our body and our SPIRIT.
We have to consider and look after all of these aspects of ourselves.
It is always helpful to ask the question: "which part of me is needing more care and more attention right now"
You can always take a piece of paper and make 4 sections - body, mind, spirit, emotion.
List under each one how you feel you are doing in that area? Do you feel that area is in balance right now?
Write down what support do you need to give each area?

Under body it is vital to look at your diet, nutrition, are you breathing deeply, do you do regular exercise, stretching, yoga, etc. and list what you can do to become healthier.

Under emotions include how you are feeling and if there are any emotions you have pushed down. Also look at who you need to forgive. Do you laugh daily? if not, add this into your list for staying healthy.

Under Spiritual, do you have a daily spiritual practice? Do you take some time ech day to feed and nurture your soul?

Under Mind - look at your thoughts and self talk. What are you putting your attention and focus on right now? Where do you need to put your focus in order to stay healthy and happy?

This is a good start....let me know how you go. I want to hear from you....
Peace and blessings, Laurie
0423 394 676
twitter: laurie__levine