Wednesday, November 2, 2011

staying healthy

I am giving some free talks at our local library coming up in a few weeks and one is on the topic of
health and staying healthy. Staying healthy means so much more than just our body. Staying healthy takes in our mental outlook, our emotions, our body and our SPIRIT.
We have to consider and look after all of these aspects of ourselves.
It is always helpful to ask the question: "which part of me is needing more care and more attention right now"
You can always take a piece of paper and make 4 sections - body, mind, spirit, emotion.
List under each one how you feel you are doing in that area? Do you feel that area is in balance right now?
Write down what support do you need to give each area?

Under body it is vital to look at your diet, nutrition, are you breathing deeply, do you do regular exercise, stretching, yoga, etc. and list what you can do to become healthier.

Under emotions include how you are feeling and if there are any emotions you have pushed down. Also look at who you need to forgive. Do you laugh daily? if not, add this into your list for staying healthy.

Under Spiritual, do you have a daily spiritual practice? Do you take some time ech day to feed and nurture your soul?

Under Mind - look at your thoughts and self talk. What are you putting your attention and focus on right now? Where do you need to put your focus in order to stay healthy and happy?

This is a good start....let me know how you go. I want to hear from you....
Peace and blessings, Laurie
0423 394 676
twitter: laurie__levine

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Laurie, I really needed to read this words... I'll certainly do this exercice!

