Monday, November 14, 2011

Living well through cancer

Overcoming and living well through cancer
This is such an important topic for this time. We all seem to know someone who has had cancer or have had it ourselves.
I had thyroid cancer 6 years ago and it has been an amazing journey through it all. So how do we live well through cancer?
I now what a  scary time it can be, and how helpless we can feel. I was certainly there. I want to share some positive steps to moving through this experience and what helped me so much.
It is and can be an opportunity to change old patterns and habits that do not support us, like our diets. I feel any time we get sick or get injured it is a good time to take stock of our life and see what is working and what is not. To look at how we can make positive change.
One of the most valuable blessings that can come out of having cancer is It is also a time to love ourselves more and let people love us and be there for us.
It is a opportunity to STOP and not be so busy.
Here are a few of my steps to living well through cancer:
Look for the blessings in this situation and focus on them.
Ask your body what it needs daily and begin to build a relationship from the inside out.
Eat organic and healthy and fresh foods daily.
Cut back on caffiene, sugar and heavy foods.
Laugh more
Change your PH so it is more alkaline. You can check out your ph levels by buying ph strips at the pharmacy. Drinking water with lemon can help to make your ph more alkaline.
Take time to meditate and do what you love every day. Find ways to feed your body, mind and soul.
Feel grateful for what you do have in your life; every day!!!, every moment even...
Forgive yourself and others from the past, so you can be more present now.
Let go of anger, worry, resentment and guilt NOW.
Do not sweat the small stuff.
And most importantly: Be patient and loving with yourself.

 For more on healing, contact me at:
See my book, Blessings of Gratitude and Spiritual Medicine
More in blogs to come....

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