Saturday, April 30, 2011

communication break down

Hi and welcome to my latest blog
I want to talk about how we can have a communication break down by making up
stories about someone else with out finding out what the truth really is
An example of this is: We try to reach someone and leave messages for them and they
do not call us back or respond. We then make up a reason or story in our minds as to why they
did not respond. Maybe they were mad at us or did not like us or something happened to them.....etc.
Has that ever been your experience?
It is so important to check things out and see what has really occurred and continue to stay in the present moment...
Good communication is about making sure our message got across and checking things out to see what the truth really is...
Next time you are not sure, ASK...

I would love to hear from  you on this subject. What is your experience with communication and how do you keep it from breaking down....

Peace and blessings, Laurie
Check out my book, Spiritual Medicine for more on communication and healing tools

1 comment:

  1. How do I keep communication clear and comfortable?

    It works so well when I stop myself from worrying why someone has not called me back.

    I stop to think that their day or their week may be very full and busy with activities and events I know nothing about. I remind myself to send loving thoughts to them, releasing the unfounded fears I have about them or the relationship. I remember to not take things personally or so seriously. This is only my ego feeling neglected.

    I can just relax and wait for communication to begin again at the perfect time for both of us. Jeanne
