Thursday, April 7, 2011

what is real????

Hi and welcome to my latest, it is April already
Time is flying by....
Each moment counts!!!
I want to talk about WHAT IS REAL?
 It is so interesting how in the human world we put so much
credence on what we can see. If we cant see it, then it is not happening.
We pray and ask for things we want to create and then when they do not come right away we feel like it is not happening
It is important to remember that so much is happening on a level that we cannot see, the invisible level. This is where it is REAL....
Does that sound strange?
Think about it for a moment. We cant physically see GOD or SPIRIT and that does not mean that they don't exist...Spirit is all around us and within us always whether we are awake or asleep....We are always being supported and loved!
We just have to know and believe this
I love the saying "Believe it and you will see it"
Open up to tthe possibility of seeing the invisible and being connected and tuned in to something that is REAL and PRESENT always...
You are so much more than you think and there is so much more taking place that you are always a part of
The Universe wants the best for you and LOVES YOU....
Peace and blessings, Laurie
Stay tuned to our website and facebook page for online classes and teleseminars coming up
I would love to hear from you. Let me know your thoughts on this blog


  1. What I meant to say above is:
    We tend to follow the belief that we will believe it when we see it...Show me it first...
    The truth is actually the other way around. We need to believe it first
    Peace and blessings, Laurie

  2. More thoughts on what is real.
    We are creating our reality in this very moment, and in every moment. This is where our life exists. Not in the past or in the future. What we are thinking in the present moment is creating our reality - our experience.
    Think beautiful loving thoughts about yourself and life. Anticipate and expect miracles happening in the present and you will experience them. Love and abundant blessings. Jeanne
