Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5 important steps to weight loss

I wanted to share about a subject that is so vital to our health and wellbeing. It is something that I feel so passionate about helping empower people with. I am speaking of the epidemic of over eating and obesity.
I see all the diets that are out there and the struggles that people have with their weight. I believe that so much about eating is emotional and behavioral. We eat alot of the time to stuff down how we are feeling and we eat to feel better about ourselves. This is really a never ending battle. I know I have been there. I never had a big weight problem but I did binge eat sugars as a way to stuff down how I was feeling.

I believe that if we felt good about ourselves and had good self esteem and felt connected spiritually we would not over eat so much and we would take better care of ourselves.

Here are my 5 steps to weight loss and to feeling better about ourselves.

Step 1 - Look at your beliefs, emotions and  habits around food and how you feel about yourself.
 What did you learn about food growing up?
What emotion or emotions drive you to eat? Is it fear, guilt, shame, anger, grief?
How would you rate your self esteem 1-10.
One being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Where is your self esteem and self worth at this moment?
The more conscious we are about our habits and beliefs the easier it is to change them.

Step 2 - Forgiveness. This plays a big role in how much we hold onto the past and onto our old eating habits. We can go on all the diets in the world and if we have not forgiven ourselves and others than we tend to go right back into old eating habits and gaining weight.
Think about who you need to forgive?
What do you need to forgive yourself for?
What are you holding onto from the past?
A good starting place is to write a letter or letters to all those you need to forgive. Remember forgiveness is for you to let go and beable to move forward from a  healthier and happier place.
Write a letter to your self and list all the things you want to forgive  yourself for.

Step 3 - Clean out the clutter in your home, car, office. Throw away things you no longer wear or need. Clean out your kitchen of old food and food that is not good for you. We need to let the energy move. So many of us are hoarders and stuck in the past. This is a good place to start. Get Support.  Ask family and friends to help you do this as it can seem overwhelming.

Step 4 - Let go of emotions. Give your self permission to have  a good cry and acknowledge how you are feeling. People experience so many losses in life and don\t always get a chance to grieve them. So the emotions like food just gets stuffed down and we find we get heavier and more weighted down.
This is so vital for our health and wellbeing to cry and grieve. Think about all the losses you have experienced in your life and let yourself feel the emotions that are there.

Step 5 - Reconnect Spiritually - So often we eat and have trouble loosing weight because we feel so disconnected spiritually. If this is the case for you, take time each day to stop and reconnect  to God and Spirit and your own heart and soul in whatever way works for you. It might be to put on beautiful music, go to church, go in nature, meditate, pray, read spirit books etc.
It is so important to feed and nurture our body and soul on a daily basis.

I would love to hear from you. I am available for phone as well as in person coaching and healing sessions.

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