Wednesday, July 20, 2011

sharing about fear

It is good to have this page to write my thoughts and what I want to share with you.
I always believe that as I share personal and private thoughts I open up the space for others to do the same.
It is interesting to me to watch when fears come up and to see it as a chance to go within and see what I need to do for me.
I have been experiencing some breast tenderness and was not sure if I had felt a lump or just breast tissue. My intuition was guiding me to have an ultrasound and get it checked out. I did this yesterday and they found a small cyst on my left breast. This was not the side I was concerned about. I realized that my attention was being called to my left side - my feminine side and to nurturing myself more and taking better care of me.
Since yesterday I have been watching the fear thoughts come up in my mind about needing to drain it to make sure it is a cyst and to keep practicing breathing deeply and releasing the fear.
I am a firm believer on checking things out and also holding that high knowing of health and wholeness at the same time. This is the life and work of a Spiritual practitioner and Minister.
I am grateful to know that healing is always taking place and that I am and we are each in charge of our own minds and thinking.
My affirmation for today is: I am healed, whole, healthy and grateful for the opportunitys to keep releasing fear and to change the thoughts in my mind to ones that support my highest good. Thank you Spirit for my life.
And So It Is.

Peace and blessings, Laurie

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