Sunday, July 17, 2011

Love the Skin your in

It is amazing how much of the advertising we see and the messages we hear are about looking a certain way. We look at models and actresses and believe that is the way "we are suppose to look", and if we do not look like that then something is wrong or we will not be accepted.
Something is wrong with our society to give out such messages that foster pain and low self-esteem. I have seen so many people unhappy within themselves because their body did not look a certain way and all they wanted was to be was someone else. What a sad waste of precious life that is…Even if they did get their body to look like that it did not make them feel any happier or fulfilled inside. This is because they were not being who they are and that is really all we have.
When I was younger, I wanted my body to look different. The boys all seemed to be interested in my friends and never seemed to notice me. I was flat chested and this made me feel quite different and I started to see myself as unattractive. I remember an experience at camp when I was 11 years old. I had very short hair and had not started to develop yet. I walked into the girl's bathroom and the counselor there said, "I am sorry dear, but the boys bathroom is next store". I was so upset and they tried to make up for this by putting bows in my hair. Needless to say I was humiliated and carried this with me for about 20 years until I began to do a lot of inner healing and belief changing work around seeing my body and myself in a positive and loving way.
We are never too old to make positive changes and feel better about ourselves.
Our self-esteem and self-image is really our foundation for a happy and successful life.
No one can change our beliefs and the way we see ourselves, except for us. If we are unhappy, it is vitally important to address our beliefs, re-educate and look at positive ways to change and lift our own self- esteem and self- image. The truth is that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and Spirit. This is one of the main messages that I have learned from my lessons as a Metaphysical Minister.
If we want things to change, we must start to see ourselves with new glasses and treat ourselves as we would treat a best friend.
It is important to become more aware of the negative and hurtful thoughts that do not support us and to replace them with positive and supportive thoughts, even if we do not believe them at first. This is the way we can begin to change old patterns and to begin to love ourselves more.
It is easier to make positive changes when we are surrounded by positive and supported friends and colleagues that we can talk to and feel safe to be ourselves with. I know that being with loving and supportive people really helped me to lift my self confidence and I began to like myself more and to accept compliments from others.
Each time you look in the mirror, begin to see yourself as beautiful, whole and ok just the way you are. When any other thoughts come up in your mind, release them right away and affirm the positive. Remember that it takes lots of practice, patience and love to change old patterns and our self- image. It can be done and you can do it.
 Peace and Blessings, Laurie           

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