Friday, July 22, 2011


Hi and blessings
It struck me today about how powerful and negative that emotion of disappointment can be if we hold onto it. I know I have felt disappointed so many times in my life. Like any emotion it is good to acknowledge it and then let it go. What we tend to do as humans is to hold onto it for years sometimes and it festures inside of us. This can only cause illness and lack of energy.
I was talking to my husband, Stan this morning and realized I have been disappointed about hm not being a part of our spiritual centre and not wanting to come along to our gatherings. I became so aware of the choice to hold onto the disappointment or just let it go and come back to a loving heart. 

The question to keep asking is where do we want to put our energies and vibration?

What happens inside of us when we hold onto disappointment?

Whatever we focus on we create more of the same.
Good one to think about.
What disappointments are you holding onto from the past?
Give yourself permission to let them go today and be open your heart and being to more love and light.

The affirmation for today is: I release the energy of disappointment and I open myself up to be free, happy, loving and know my life is flowing in a Divine Way always!
And So It is
Peace and blessings, Laurie

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