Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tips for greater intimacy with yourself and others

Hi and welcome to my latest blog
I will be sharing tips and tools that have helped to change and improve my life and that I have taught to others
Please pass this blog page on to others

I have been married for almost 7 years and did not meet my husband till I was in my late 40s. I think sometimes the older we get the more challenging it can be sometimes to change old habits; especially around intimacy. My husband Stan and I consciously work alot on how to keep improving our intimacy. Whether you are in a relationship or not, it is important to start with feeling comfortable about your own body and spending time loving, accepting and nurturing your self  in whatever way you choose.
What is intimacy anyways? I did a course years ago and they defined intimacy as "INTO ME YOU SEE"
It is about being REAL and authentic and being truly present with you and another.

3 keys to building intimacy: All of these keys have helped Stan and I in our relationships and we continue to work on them individually and together.

Truthful and Honest Communicaitons -
I have written before how difficult it can be sometimes to speak our truth. This is a very important thing to practice if you want to have greater intimacy and improved relationships with others.
Communication breakdown creates really can affect our intimacy in any relationship. People cannot generally read our minds. We need to share what we are feeling and ask for what we need. Practice not taking what someone else says to you personally. Listen and really hear what your partner is communicating with out interupting them. So often we just need to be heard and then we can open up more. 

2. Intimacy with Self - We cannot be intimate with others until we are more loving, accepting and nurturing with ourselves. We tend to be very critical and  judge ourselves so much. The more we do this the more we push intimacy away. Start today to become more aware of how often you criticize yourself and make yourself wrong or apologize for being you. I like to ask the question "Is thinking or doing this action loving me"? and then if it is not, I consciously chose to do something that is.

3. Do Not Settle for Anyting Less Than What You Deserve And Want
This one is a big one. How many times have you settled in your life? This can be in every area of life.
I certainly have settled for things that I knew where not what I wanted but I did not feel deserving of better.
I want to say to you that YOU ARE DESERVING!!!!
You just need to believe and know this. Once you do things will change and you will not settle any longer in relationships, friendships or any other area.
What limits have you put on yourself?Start today to give yourself permission to take the limits off of you, so you can create more good in your life. Be aware of not bringing the past into your present, so that each moment is a new start.

4. Bless yourself daily and if you are in relationship bless your partner too.
Be grateful for your body, sexuality and life on a daily basis. Start with baby steps if this feels too hard.
Treat yourself as you would like your partner to treat you and know you deserve to be loved and cherished.

I would love to hear your questions and comments so I can add more that people want to read and learn about.
Much love and blessings to you, Laurie
See us on facebook under laurie levine & Positive Living Spiritual Centre


  1. Such great reminders to really value ourselves first, to love and cherish our own being.
    I have also found that in the past I have been afraid to stay connected with someone's eyes for too long, for fear of the intimacy that may be found there (and this is not necessarily in a romantic relationship) and what they may discover about me.
    As I have gained more self worth and self esteem over the last few years, I now find it much easier to do this. There is so much to be found and cherished by connecting with someone's eyes on that really deep level. It makes me realise how connected we all are.

  2. yes, so true, Lisa
    Our eyes are windows to our soul!
