Monday, January 17, 2011

Speaking your truth

Hi and welcome to my blog
I wanted to talk today about how important and vital to our health and wellbeing that we express what we are feeling. I like to call it speaking our truth.
This sounds so simple, but for so many of us is very challenging. Are we afraid of people's reactions, that they may be upset or not like us if we speak up????
If we are ok and clear in our communication, usually others will be as is all energy is it not?
In order to empower ourself and others as well as to say healthy, we must begin to say what we need to an express ourselves more.
What I have found is that we tend to get so anxious and worked up about speaking our truth but when we finally do it turns out ok and we feel so much ligther.
I had an experience with this just the other day. I decided to not resign my lease but go month to month. I found myself feeling anxious about speaking to my landlord about this and asking for what I needed.
When I finally did talk to him and let him know what was going on and how I was feeling he was fantastic. He was very understanding and just wanted to help me. What a weight was lifted off of my shoulders and mind after speaking to him.

Who do you need to speak your truth with?

If it feels too scary at first you can start by practicing going over what you want to say  in your mind or write it on paper, or even practice it out loud in front of a mirror.

It usually turns out much better than we think it will. Have a litle trust and faith. If you come from your own experience and not make it about the other person or blame them; you will have a much better outcome.

Surround yourself with love and light and surround the other person with love and light as well.

Let me know how it goes for you.

It is always helpful to say an affirmation daily to make it a bit easie for yourself - Try
It is easy and safe for me to speak my truth or I confidently speak my truth with ease and grace
You can make up your own affirmation as well.
Remember to see and know the highest and best outcome for you and the other person always.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Peace and blessings, laurie
visit our facebook page under laurie levine and positive living spiritual centre

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