Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good Grief - It is ok to grieve

Hi and Blessings to you
I wanted to write a blog today about grief. In our society we are taught to get over things that happen and not to cry. In my healing work and workshops with people over the years, I have found that the main emotion held in people's cells was grief and loss. We sometimes can express anger much more easily than we can grief. I am writing a book on this at present because I feel it is such an important subject and have written about it in both my books, Blessings of Gratitude and Spiritual Medicine.
If you think about it there is so much we grieve in our lifetime. We do not just grieve when someone we love dies we grieve for so much more we never acknowledge. Some examples are when we are fired from our jobs, or move from a home we have lived in for many years, getting divorced or separated or a friend moves away and we loose contact. We need to grieve for the many changes that happen in our life especially when we get older or get sick or have a part of our body surgically removed or have an accident. I had my thyroid removed many years ago and needed to cry and grieve the loss of such an important gland as well as now having to be dependent on medication the rest of my life.
Grief takes on many appearances and can be layered by other emotions such as anger, fear, numbness and resentment.  Some people go within to grieve and withdraw. It is important to acknowledge your grief and loss in whatever way works for you and please do cry when you need to. If we hold grief inside; the body has to deal with that and we in turn can get sick. In Chinese Medicine the lungs are associated with the emotion of grief and loss. So if you get alot of respiratory problems you may want to ask yourself if there is some grieve or loss you have not expressed or acknowledged.
I remember years ago being in Russia and working on a woman there. During the healing session I felt her tears and I began to cry. I knew I was feeling her grief, that it was not my tears. I told her so and got her to get in touch with the grief inside and she started to cry very deeply. When she was finished grieving and crying, she looked years younger and felt so much lighter. She released emotional pain from years of hardship and bad things that had happened in her life.

A blessing from my book, Blessings of Gratitude:
"I bless and am grateful for all the feelings I am experiencing as they are a reminder of my loving heart and how much I care. I know that as I express and release my feelings of grief over my losses, I open myself up to greater love and compassion for myself and others. I let myself receive love and support from people that care about me. I am blessed and know that all is unfolding in divine order and I am spiritually held and loved always".

I would love to hear your stories about grief and loss and ways you have expressed your grief.

Until the next blog
Much love and light, Laurie
Check out my facebook page under laurie levine and positive living spiritual centre

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