Wednesday, May 25, 2011

what is your story

Hi and blessings
Been thinking alot about this theme as it is my topic for our Sunday Spiritual Gathering this week
This can have so many meanings and I can write many different articles on this title
What I want to talk about today is what story are you carrying from the past that no longer serves you?

It is so easy to get caught up in talking and sharing about the same thing all the time. Maybe it is how unhappy we are at work, or someone did something to us we did not like, or how lonely we are, or how we do not have enough money....
Stop for a moment and contemplate on there a story you have been telling alot that is not allowing it to change?
Our ego loves the drama of it all....
How about making up a new story to tell????
What would that be?
Make it something you want and something that is positive and uplifting, then put your energy and focus into that and see what starts to emerge.
Whatever we focus on and put our emotional energy into is what we create.
So if we are putting alot of energy toward an old belief or thought, this is what will continue to manifest.

The wonderful part is that we can change things in an instant as long as we are aware of our thoughts and projections....

As Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham says: you can either paddle upstream or downstream and go with the flow...let go of the oars and go with the flow

Create a new positive story today and change your life for the better!!!

Join us on facebook under positive living spiritual centre
I am now on twitter under Laurie__Levine

Peace and blessings, Laurie

1 comment:

  1. You inspired me to write a post.
