Saturday, May 14, 2011

Are you missing out on life?

Hi and blessings
I am so reminded each moment how very precious life is
And if we are holding any unforgiveness or focusing on the past and not on now, we are MISSING OUT on LIFE
This is it, It is up to each one of us to be the master of our thoughts and reactions.
Take time to go into reflection and to ask if you are holding any past grudges or hurts from the past.
Take the time to write it down and to go into your heart and ask for forgiveness and begin to forgive yourself and others. It is never too late to do this. Do it regularly. It is the healthiest diet we can give ourselves.
What is done is done. All we can really do now is live fully and joyfully in each moment.
Smell the roses, look at the sunsets and sunrises in awe of the magnificience of SPIRIT and LIFE all around

How much of life we loose and cannot get back when we stay focused on what could have been or what should have happened or maybe I will be happier with another partner or a slimmer body, or what if I had made that decision instead of this one.  STOP!!!

RELEASE AND LET GO of the guilt, regret, fear, remorse...It does not serve any of us. It only causes more pain and blockages.

Go into gratitude for all you have in your life and for the blessings that are always there.
Do something to be in this present moment - take a walk, hold a flower in your hand and look at the beauty of it, call a friend, ask for a hug, take a long bath, watch a funny movie.....choose something

I would love to hear from you
Life is precious
Make each moment count
Count your BLESSINGS

Love and blessings, Laurie

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