Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Letting Go

Hi and Happy Day to you
This topic of Letting go is so big and I could write a book just on this subject.
As human beings it can be so challenging to let go. This can involve so many things such as; letting go of what "SHOULD" have been, letting go of a dream or wanting something to be a certain way and it is not, letting go of a relationship that is no longer working, letting go of job, letting go of someone who has passed away or just letting go of fear and worry...
I wanted to specifically share something very personal to me with you. I have someone in my life that has always been like my best friend. This person is my mother, Sylvia. She is the most beautiful, loving soul. I have always been able to share everything with my mom until the last few years. You see my mom has alzheimers. She still knows us, but it is different. She is not the person I knew, so my letting go is letting go of the mother I always knew and to embrace, unconditionally love and accept my mom as she is now.
The grief I feel inside is undescribable. It is always there, has moments of coming to the surface but the enormity of it is real and palpable.
My letting go process involves letting go of grief  and letting myself acknowledge and feel it - rather than stuff it down into my body.
I know for so many of us it is so much easier to just push the feelings down. This only causes ill health and pain. Have the courage to share what is happening for you in whatever way suits you best....

A wonderful affirmation is: 
I am willing each day to let go, release the emotions, begin to accept and embrace what is - with love, courage and inner peace.


Thank you and abundant blessings, Laurie
Visit us on facebook under positive living spiritual centre and laurie levine

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