Friday, February 25, 2011

Tips for releasing Anger.....

Blessings and welcome to my latest blog.

It seems to me that out of all the emotions; anger is one of the ones that has carried a bad reputation. Many people feel more comfortable expressing any other emotion rather than expressing their anger. Why is that you may ask? I would say that a lot of one’s beliefs and reactions to anger come from their childhood experiences.
Anger was much more covert in my family. No one admitted or acknowledged they were angry although you could feel it a mile away. This was much more confusing to me than if it had just been opening expressed in a responsible manner (not hurting another). The other side of anger is the overt or violent side. This is a hard one to deal with and to overcome. For those people who grew up with violence or overt anger, either end up being afraid of confrontation, not wanting to express it or have trouble keeping their anger from being aggressive.
So how can we understand and look at anger in a whole new healthy way?
You will find that the more you learn to express your anger in a positive manner, the more passion you will feel in your life. I would like to give you some helpful steps for dealing with anger.

Step 1  Become more aware of your anger and what you are really upset about. It is important to look at what was triggered for you and if it brought up any old memories.

Step 2  Write it out.  Sometimes it is hard to know when we are angry because we have become used to pushing it down and ignoring those feelings. To help you understand yourself better, start writing down whatever you may be feeling and even start with writing down all the things that make you angry without judging your self for it.

Step 3  Take responsibility for your anger. Learn how to express it without hurting yourself or taking it out on someone else. Some of the ways I suggest include:
  • Talking it out with a neutral party, which can be a colleague, friend or therapist.
  • Exercise it out in whatever way works for you. Do something physical like yoga, walking, jogging, swimming, doing weights, aerobics etc.
  • Get a punching bag, if you feel you need to hit something.
  • Sing it, dance it out and as 2 year olds do, tantrum it out.
  • Be as creative as you can with expressing your anger.
Step 4  FORGIVE yourself and others for the times that anger was expressed in a non-productive way. We are doing the best we can and this is how we can learn what works for us and what does not. When we do not forgive ourselves and others for the past, it is hard to take steps forward and these feelings are carried into the future and can affect all aspects of our life.It is hard to move on and have a positive life if we are holding on to past hurts and events....

Step 5  Be gentle, loving and patient with yourself and know that there is a lot to learn and understand about yourself and about the emotion of anger and the more aware you are, the more you will learn and grow passionately. Find more things to laugh about and start to simplify your life....

 It is important to acknowledge how we are feeling and to be still and look at what is underneath the feeling.
Do not make your self wrong for how you are feeling....Emotions are energy that needs to move. When it does not move, we get sick..

See my book, Spiritual Medicine for more tips and info. Kundalini yoga has certainly helped me to be more balanced emotionally. It is good to have a daily physical and spiritual practice.
My healing sessions also help to move the energy out of the body and help you to be more balanced

Remember to Breath deeply....I would love to hear from you.

Peace and blessings, Laurie

1 comment:

  1. Laurie this is so pertinent for me :)
    Thanks for the tips on how to release the anger. I also find that writing about my emotions helps to uncover what is underneath it.
    I continue to look for ways to release my anger safely rather than erupting with it because it has been held in for so long.
    Thanks so much for sharing.
