Sunday, December 25, 2011


I am back. It has been a few weeks since I last wrote something.
Christmas is happening in the US right now and is over in Australia.
I could feel the peace in the air yesterday as Stan and I walked around the lake where we live.
There was a sweetness around and I found myself breathing very deeply to take it all in.
This is a good time to stop and be still as often as we can. To smell the flowers, to be in the moment and feel all that is taking place around us. To just BE.
I remember doing a 10 day silent meditation years ago and after the 5th day, my mind became still. I would sit for hours looking at bees taking the polen from the flowers. I could really taste my food and savored every bite.
I encourage all of us to take more time to do nothing and just be still. To listen to that still small voice within speaking to us. To just breathe.
Love and blessings, Laurie

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