Sunday, October 23, 2011


I love the meaning and word transformation. It is a constant on this spiritual path for all of us. All we have to do is look at nature to see how things are constantly transforming and changing.

So what is transformation?

How does one Transform?

These are questions many people have asked me and I have certainly asked myself these same questions over the years. I always think of transformation as a moving forward process of change. As we move forward we transform and change into something new.
Transformation is certainly a choice that we as human beings make. We can choose to stay the same or we can choose to continue to grow and experience our life to the fullest. This involves stepping out and taking risks in order to transform ones life.

I remember hearing a wonderful speaker talk and he said, “Isn’t it a miracle that God could make a worm fly”. I was in awe as I thought of
the transformation it takes for a worm to turn into a beautiful butterfly and be able to fly so gracefully. When I see a butterfly and appreciate it’s beauty, I forget sometimes what it took for it to get there.

Lets look at the word, Transform. I have broken each letter down as my definition of my meaning of transformation. You can certainly make up your own as well.
T = Trust. 

This is trust of self, others and trust in Spirit/God or whatever you call the source. Trust is such an important part of transformation. Without trust we are usually too afraid to move forward and to make any positive changes in our life. Trust in the good times as well as times of struggle.
R = Renewal. 

This is about how our cells are constantly renewing and through our mind and thought processes we can continue to renew ourselves in the most positive and uplifting way. It is important to be aware of our thoughts and letting go of the ones that do not support our life. Take the time to rest and renew your body daily.
A = Abundance. 

This is about creating all the love, joy, peace, money flow that we can ever imagine. As the bible says “ God wants to give us the kingdom”
and all we have to do is give ourselves permission and know that we deserve good things in our life. Flow is always happening and we can join in to whatever degree we feel we deserve and are will to receive.
N = Now & creating new beginnings. 

This is about living in the moment. We can spend so much time living and expending our energy in the past and in the future and forget about really enjoying the present moment.

What if you could think of each present moment as a new beginning?
How would your life be then?
S = Surrender & letting go. 

Surrender is such an important part of transformation and a challenge for so many of us. We may think we are letting go, but are we really.
It is hard sometimes for our minds to really let go and to trust in the process of life. One of the sayings that has helped me so much in my
life is “I Let go and let God”.  Turnover to the Divine whatever feels too heavy for you or too much of a burden. Give it up and give your self permission to be lighter and not carry energy that is not yours.
F = Fulfillment.

This is about being truly grateful for our life and all that we have. We feel fulfilled and transformed when we can accept and appreciate ourselves, others and our life more rather than being in judgmental. Fulfillment comes from the inside out. It is not about how much we have
materialistically, but rather about what is in our heart and how we share our love with others.
O = Opportunity to grow and be more of who you truly are.

This is what transformation is all about. Through change and transformation we are able to grow and become more of who we are and to live our spiritual purpose here. Keep an acknowledgement and gratitude journal and write down all you  have achieved and acknowledge yourself for the courageous person you are. Write down daily what you are grateful for.
R = Relationship with yourself and others.

We are here to learn how to be in relationship with ourselves and with others. Transformation begins when we become more aware of our relationships and actively choose to take the steps to make them more loving and healthier. Let people know how you feel about them and share from your heart.
M =Momentum & movement.

This is all about moving forward and letting go of fear and doubt so that we can “ fly”. Whenever we feel stuck in our life, it helps to get up
and physically move our body, either by exercising, changing our posture or doing something different. This helps break the pattern and
helps the energy to flow again.

All of these are parts of the process of transformation. Enjoy the wonderful changes that are always happening and embrace who you are and who you are becoming.

Witten by Laurie Levine 

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